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Del Monte perfect Christmas trifle


45 minutes, plus at least 8 hours setting time minutes


• 160g pack of trifle sponges (or use sponge fingers)
• 100g raspberry jam
• 150ml pale cream sherry
• 2 cans (420g) Del Monte Fruit Cocktail in Juice
• 1 pack (135g) raspberry (or strawberry) flavour jelly cubes
• 500ml ready-made custard
• 400ml double cream
• Dark chocolate, to finish
• Edible gold stars, to finish (optional)


1)Slice each trifle sponge in half horizontally, spread with jam and sandwich back together. Use the jammy sponges to line the base of a 2.5litre-capacity glass trifle dish. It’s easiest to do this if you cut the sponges into smaller pieces first: cubes or triangles work well and allow you to get a fairly even layer without many gaps. You can crumble up the last sponge and use the crumbs to plug any obvious spaces. Trickle the sherry slowly all over the sponge layer, making sure it soaks into all the sponges. Give it 10 minutes to soak in then use your hands or a spoon to press the sponges down a little. 2)Tip the fruit cocktail into a sieve over a large measuring jug, to catch the juice (which you’ll need in a minute). Arrange the drained fruit over the sherry-soaked sponge in an even layer. 3)Cut the jelly into individual cubes. Follow the instructions on the pack for making the jelly, which should go like this: pour 285ml just-boiled water into a jug. Add the jelly cubes and stir for a couple of minutes until they have completely dissolved. You now need to add 285ml cold liquid – the reserved syrup from the fruit cocktail should be more or less the right amount! If it’s more than that, pour a little off, and if it’s less, add some cold water to get the right quantity. combine with the hot jelly liquid and stir well. Pour the jelly slowly and carefully all over the fruit cocktail. Put the bowl in the fridge for at least 8 hours so the jelly can set. 4)Pour the custard on to the jelly so that it settles in an even layer. Pour the cream into a mixing bowl and whip with electric beaters until it holds soft peaks. Spoon it gently over the custard and use a palette knife to create a nice swirly finish. Use a potato peeler or a knife to create chocolate shavings (a peeler is easier, but if you pull a knife blade over the smooth side of a chocolate bar, you can create larger curls). Scatter the chocolate over the whipped cream, finish with a few gold stars if you have them, and your trifle is ready to serve.

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